Thursday, November 20, 2008
Legitimate & Illegitimate Taxes
bcc: Property Rights & Freedom Groups, Media
The home page is which is a fellow pushing for government reform via Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports for all levels of city, county, state and federal government. He has found government types hiding lots of money through tricky accounting practices making themselves look needy while transferring unnecessary and illegitimate taxes upon the natural born, sovereign and free state Citizens.
I sent out this site before, however, it has so much data, it was worth another look. The two tables attached show the income tax revenue for all individuals and corporations who filed in the year 1997.
When you add up all the individual income for 1997, it comes to 5 trillion dollars for 3.6% tax to 27.0% tax burden % of gross income.
When you add up all the corporate income for 1996, it comes to 15.5 trillion dollars for 0.27% to 1.56% tax burden as a % of gross total receipts.
Now you can start to see how the state municipal corporation game works
"GROSS" INCOME of government is now 1/3rd "TAX" income and 2/3rds NON-TAX income derived from: return on INVESTMENTS and money generated from government Enterprise projects
The LEGITIMATE sources of government revenue which are more than sufficient are -
1. uniform indirect taxes,
2. customs/duties/imposts
3. sale and lease of state natural resources
4. the authority to print money
We give the federal government authority to print money,
gold & silver based fractualized at a reasonable low percent
weight and standard controlled
redeemable certificates, gold and silver coin
Government is not required to pay interest to pay its bills
Municipal government corporations have amassed a fortune on our backs they are still taxing us for unnecessarily
""GROSS" INCOME of government is now 1/3rd "TAX" income and 2/3rds NON-TAX income derived from: return on INVESTMENTS and money generated from government Enterprise projects.
Local and Federal Government's gross income in 1999 was 8.5 trillion dollars and the entire population's of the USA gross income, "net after taxation" 4.8 trillion dollars."
The following current sources of taxes are ILLEGITIMATE
1. The so called "income tax" which is an indirect tax cannot be applied directly upon natural born state Citizens High courts have so ruled. The 16th Amendment was also never fully ratified
wages are private property NOT income
2. Sales taxes are an indirect taxes & cannot be applied directly upon natural born state Citizens, even at the till. Sales taxes must be absorbed by the business and costed into their pricing to compete for our business as we so decide by shopping for the best deal
3. Property taxes are also illegitimate and unconstitutional, they are not apportioned
High courts have so ruled
4. Flat taxes, VAT taxes, "Fair" taxes, sales taxes cannot be applied directly
upon the natural born sovereign and free state Citizens
These forms of taxes applied directly to sovereign state Citizens
are not only unconstitutional, they go against the Laws of Nature and Natures God
AND THEY ARE TOTALLY UNNECESSARY. All of these taxes are unconstitutional AND NOT NECESSARY as they are currently applied
This is just the tip of the iceberg of the grand larceny government uses to bails itself out continually by illegitimately taxing our private property to and through our deaths based on a myth.
Time to wake up everyone we know. This is a massive Ponzi scheme which has taken our private property and the lives of generations of our people.
Jack Venrick
Enumclaw, Washington
Are the Banks at Fault? Not Reallyby Walter Burien - 09/27/08 Archived at -
Along the lines of what We-The-People have seen over the years, we have become oblivious to the forest of Oaks by speaking of and focusing on three or four Oak leafs on the ground in the forest.
Here is the data and comment per the forest and not the few leafs of "AIG getting 85 billion dollars", and the "700 billion dollar bailout" we have been saturated with:
We in our apathy (and orchestrated ignorance) since the 60's have allowed government to expand, expand, expand. Every local government over the years has transitioned into a corporation, an administrative clearing house for profit.
There are now in this country over 136,000 separate government corporations in place. In doing so, government has expanded take-over ownership of it all by investment. They, composite government now own by the predominance of their investments the banks, stock market, and the insurance industry.
Let me qualify this: In 1963, all local and federal government investments (not public like SSI or Medicare but government's own stash) held with the Bank, Brokerage, and Insurance industries was about four-trillion dollars. Today? About one-hundred-ten trillion dollars internationally, and Oh yes, silence has truly been golden here for them.
Their own accounting document, government's Annual Financial Report the CAFR that showed the dollar amount of their investments held and the growth of those investments seen, not a peep of attention given to the public for review of the same, but in FACT a clear orchestration of silence as their game continued in what could be called nothing other than a total takeover of it all.
A take-over come 2008, that included AIG, the Banks, the Brokerage, and even the Oil companies. Just pawns on the chess board utilized by Government. Because in FACT, government as time progressed took over by leaps and bounds the before mentioned by investment. Boils down to the golden rule; he who owns the gold makes the rules and as it would be for gold equaling investments, government owned it all come the year 2007 by investment...
Did you the public know this? No, the public did not. Most of us were to masterfully entertained by that arm of the syndicate, the syndicated media who controlled the majority of the sound-bites we were all fed every day to keep us in the dark and thoroughly conditioned in la-la land as the foundation of the take-over by government took root, grew, and then inevitably took over the entire forest.
This equates to in reality as time went by as if one day we looked across the land and saw before us wide open pastures, free of an obstructed view with the birds chirping and the livestock playing, went to sleep and woke up the next morning, looked and what we saw was a now restricted view of a jungle so massive that the light did not even break through it's canopy. A jungle being dark, dangerous, and full of ominous sounds.
The public, as they slept found out they were not the sleeping Beauty to be awoken by the kiss of a hansom prince but in fact as a space traveler in a state of suspended animation for a hundred years who awoke to find his suspended animation equipment had malfunctioned withering and decaying his body to the point of unrecognizable condition. What happened!!!
Through millenniums, the powers at be always knew government (organized control) was where the money was, and the people in their millions upon millions were the resource that could be tapped into to amass wealth for those powers at be. The degree though of that "tapping" is what determined the health of the economy and spirit of a nation under the control of US Government or any other government big or small, domestic or world-wide.
From all US local and federal investment wealth in composite totals now amassed, or that $110,000,000,000,000 (one-hundred-ten-trillion) if divided by 300,000,000 the basic population of the US = $366,666.66 each, for every man, woman, and child in the USA. It would be great in reality to be a "real" shareholder here. US Government, all local and federal "gross annual income" from tax; investment; enterprise; and other in composite totals is now about 10 trillion dollars each year.
As this figure grew, what benefit did these people get? ANS: More government. Bigger government, more control over their every day lives and standing wealth that remained.
Picture if you went to the hospital for a cold and they put one IV in your arm. You said to your self, "OK, they know what they are doing".
This IV made money for the hospital and was designed to cure your cold. Well, a day latter they came to you and said you needed three more IVs and inserted them. The last IV was a anesthetic that you were told was to make you sleep as you got well.
Then, five years latter you woke up to find five-hundred IVs plugged into your body, and not a sole to be seen. The "system" now was automated, and the personnel that started it were off spending and investing your money they had billed you for and collected from you as you slept. I would say in this scenario, you awake to the reality that you are going to die..
The current financial scenario we find ourselves in, in reality will we survive the drain on our lives?
Let's see.. Back in 1962 per government there were only maybe one or two IVs in the public's arm. Today, probably about two-hundred. Step by step, more IVs were inserted and more of the resource wealth was taken continuously from the public. The public's own greed factor though was feed as the illusion of inflation drove the price of their houses and income up, and sound bites "of the rich and famous" were rammed down the public's throat day in and day out. Chase that carrot! Run on that treadmill! Set your priorities! The end of the race is just around the corner! You can do it!
Yes, do it and die after you have been drained for everything you are worth..
You can not survive with two hundred IVs in your arm you just can't! Wake up! Smell the roses! (or over bloated pig do-do as the case may be)
Ever increasing taxation drained your strength! Interest rate and market manipulations drained your, and also the operating wealth of the "good" corporations. As government amassed the wealth and ownership by investment. Exploited that wealth for greater ownership and control.
The end result of this unrestrained venture, a public shaking on the edge of a very big cliff wondering if the next push will send them off the edge.. Most on the edge of that cliff have not quite figured out yet what pushed them to that edge in the first place and hopefully after reading this article, they will understand the reality of their situation.
Unrestrained government growth motivated by greed as the public's allowance was motivated by orchestrated greed. The public being trained to blindly chase that carrot. Government and their pawns on the chess board the Syndicated Media and Financial Cartels in the last ten years have become so slap-happy and drunk with the ability to funnel easy money into their coffers to satisfy their greed, good times or bad, that we are teetering now on the edge.
What we are faced with here is the definition of musical chairs. Many of the key ruthless players have hedged internationally their bets, cashed in the chips, and are standing to the sidelines watching all of the other players, with there say being thirty-three, scrambling in the room to get a chair due to the harsh reality of an economy being bled dry, with only ten chairs left in the room. When the music was playing those twenty-three extra players could walk around the ten chairs still being in the game but now that the music has stopped, they will be bumped..
Government on the other hand is screaming at the public; "More cash, more taxation, more infusions, the music must NOT stop! We have a lot riding on this, the music most not stop here"..
Yes, right.. government took it all over by investment, the hollow smiles of the paid talking heads of the media and politics are now even getting concerned as they put out their syndicate provided diatribe of propaganda hype.
The people are awakening slowly to the dawn of taking a look at their misguided allegiances and false blind reliance placed through dependency on others that jeopardizes what they have worked a lifetime for.. Government as an over-bloated, arrogant and spoiled child says give me more, give me more, I will get it right this time, from an anemic and drained populace.
And here the syndicate offers the people two hand picked candidates for president that will perpetuate, bigger government more control of the people, and the funnels will be left wide open for the flow of easy cash and further perpetuation of government investment take-over leading to the consolidation of control to affect the finalization of New World Order (NWO), the definition of mandatory health care utilizing five-hundred IVs on the patient through definitive lock-down. By God, is there intelligence out there to stop this?
So whom is going to get the short end of the stick here? Which ever way you look at it from, based on the intent of maintaining the greed factor for government, in end result it will be the people.
The people were, are, and will continue to be the resource (the food) for this over-bloated, arrogant, spoiled and ever growing more hostile entity we call government.
Kinda reminds me of that time-lapse video most of us saw as kids in science class where they took a bowl of fruit and condensed ninety-days into ninety-seconds. Starts with a luscious, colorful, and appetizing bowl of fruit that in nature has some bacteria and mold spores on it. As time goes by, the bacteria and mold feeds, breeds, and replicates itself feeding on the host, the fruit. As it does so, the flies are drawn to join in on the feast. At the end of the time lapsed ninety-seconds, there is but one big mass of fungus and mold of no color other than gray that has devoured the fruit, and by doing so now dies off or goes dormant waiting for the opportunity out of circumstance to find a new host.
To many self serving and self interested individuals took over and managed government with easy of opportunity for more and more IVs to be inserted into the host, and in their own arrogance thought they could manage the ever increasing drain from the host and reap the whirlwind of easy money and power obtained. Well, they did, for a while that is... The result of that unrestrained greed has brought us all to about the seventy-second mark into that ninety-second time-lapse fruit video. No mater from which way you look at it, that bowl of fruit is looking pretty ugly and unappetizing at this point from any angle.
Hey, that's simple.. We only really have two choices here. First being;
Let the current circumstances continue and watch the outcome of the time-lapse video. Or in the alternative, rip out most of the IVs feeding the fungus and mold where it dies a quick death. Protect the seeds of the fruit left over that have not been devoured, replanting them for a new harvest. And most importantly of all, take the steps necessary to limit the natural propagation growth of the fungus and mold so that our fruit we grow and put in the bowl will be available to us all for extended periods of time. Colorful and appetizing for all time to come. Will this be done the easy way or the hard way? Time and an awakening will tell..
Outside of the metaphors above, and in reality, what candidate was running for president of the USA who did, has, and will have the qualifications and will to do so? What candidate has openly stated for over twenty-years his objective to downsize government significantly? This same candidate who the media and both political parties marginalized with less conversation that would take place at a KKK meting in the thirties of interracial dating? Who, if this article was read by one-hundred million Americans that now looked at the core of his platform and his established voting record for smaller government would upon that revelation by all would win the election by write-in ballot cast from those readers if they comprehended clearly what was said here?
Don't be sucked into the propagandized trick of two candidates being offered by the syndicate as if you were being given a choice. You are not being given a choice but only being tricked into the option of voting for the lesser of two evils. (evils with a smile and a warm glance I may add)
The syndicate marginalized candidate of whom I speak? That person would be Ron Paul. The problem though at this time is as a result of the well played out "intentional marginalization with motive" the syndicate played out with its strong hold over the sound-bite susceptible populace, has created the illusion of only two choices for President. The reality here of this being the case is definitely not so.
Mr. Paul has recently endorsed Chuck Baldwin who has a running mate of Darrell Castle. It is not that I don't like Mr. Castle, but I would really like to see a Chuck Baldwin - Ron Paul ticket as things develop over the next few days. But come election time, if not, I stand with a write-in for Ron Paul. I have no illusion as to "a choice" as presented by the syndicate. Come election time if one-hundred million people "get it" and pull out their pens to write-in their choice, we could be looking at the biggest upset for the syndicate to date, and the freezing of that time-lapse video mentioned above for true corrective action to take place. Otherwise, the outcome is pretty well assured, and it is not a pretty one..
Things on the "to do" checklist after election time:
1. Immediate downsizing of government, local and federal.
2. The complete and thorough auditing of all wealth now amassed by government [URGENTLY NEEDED]. I note government promotes debt, but the real issue is how much of that debt is truly being funded with government's own investment wealth? When they do this, they create their own undisclosed equivalent of taxation through pushing that debt now funded through the back door with their own investment assets getting a return that the people are designated to repay.
3. Consolidating of the wealth amassed by government for administrative restructuring to phase out all taxation. Yes, all! Only 1/3rd of government's gross income is derived from tax income. The other 2/3rds is investment and enterprise income. They do not need the tax income if trimmed appropriately at this time...
That time-lapse video is clicking away frame by frame. Time to put the brakes on now and put those brakes on real hard before we all like blind and frantic lemmings follow the pied piper of the cliff to our inevitable destruction.
Keep in mind, if you read between the lines of what you are being fed by the syndicated media and financial pawns on the chess board is that government in its slap happy venture for take-over of the wealth from the people, and the effect it has had on the economy wants more money, more IVs sunk in to the host so that they can get their next fix to secure their own investment returns that you did not even know they were amassing in the first place at your expense.
See the forest first, then the trees. That jungle they have created for us all as we slept greatly limits our vision from the inside looking out. Step back and view from the outside and above looking in.
Catch the scope and size of what has developed as we all were masterfully entertained in the twilight of the masterfully orchestrated induced sleep for others profit and increased control for perpetuation of the same.
It is time to take back our country. Have you been burnt enough or are you waiting for the flames of greed to reach the hairs of your nostrils for your absolute consumption by the flash of flames?
Remember the past, so that you know what is important to make happen today for "our" future!
Truly yours,
Walter BurienP. O. Box 2112Saint Johns, Arizona 85936
“The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves.”
"A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat.
When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic"
(Dresden James, Author) D
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Legal Fiction State Visits vs. Individual Sovereign Right & Duty To Throw Off Such Government

I used to not understand this chart well, it says more than you think.
Why are these two forms of government so dam different?
After all, the individual has no real role in either government, cosmetic at most?
One day the light came on.
It was far worse (different) than I could ever imagine.
The difference is, we currently think we have no power,
The government types think they have all the power.
We are truly a taken people
The hard truth, is the other way around
The government has only privileges which we grant them
The natural born, sovereign and free state CITIZENS have ALL the power & ALL the rights, i.e. we are the Kings & Queens.
Government types has nothing but what we give them, i.e. they are our servants.
And what they have become today, is not any likeness of what was ever intended even by the central government Federalist.
We have gone into hibernation for 232 years, our sovereignty has mutated into a vampire.
Each of us, must drive a stake into its heart
Darol -
This sort of Gestapo visitation described in your forward below, is the same agenda that is going on in the green extreme mean state of Washington and all over our country. Ron E. had a visit by the Dept. of Tyranny called in by a very green liberal Olympia Representative, over one of his emails. Government thuggery has no political party. Although, I bet if one took a representative sample across the green states you would find it was the liberal types who were the most environmentally overly reactive and because they are the ones pushing for increasing social, environmental welfare for everyone whether all the people want it or not. Both parties are on the take throughout time so they both create more problems than they solve. People are to blame here too by not stepping up and solving their own problems, i.e. they pass on their fears to their legislatures who create profit by converting your fears into their careers. After all, what are brokers for anyway?
I was threaten with charges at a Rails To Trails meeting by the Fascist Mayor of Enumclaw, Washington, John Wise and his King County cohorts, i.e. the Assist. PA and their facilities budget manager. Of course this was all done after the meeting behind closed doors. They did not like me one bit, telling them they had no authority or jurisdiction taking people's property for bike pedal zealots whether the property owners owned the land or right of way or not. i.e. You do not trespass on or near people's property without their express permission. We have clear rights to privacy and security over government or non government recreational activities despite what the zealots and the fascist state thinks here in Washington State. Recreational use via acts, ordinances, codes, zones, ad nausea do not trump your God given birth rights. Of course they don't think like this because it goes against their green religion while neutralizing their mission and passion to take from A and give to B.
Ed Storm (Stormy) also had a visit by the Dept. of Tyranny by three thugs from Tacoma DOT when some lady drove by his property on SR 410 and did not like his signs for freedom loving candidates. The State DOT took a handout from the federal DOT, thereby inventing another legal fiction adhesion contract saying all lands adjoining federally funded highways and freeways cannot post signage. This is a violation of the 1st Amendment let alone nearly every natural law, common law and constitutional law.
There have been other visits too, just can't recall them all at the moment. This thought control & policing has been escalating for decades and is a by-product of a fascist state. The more strangling regulations they make to control people, the more force and "visits" they need by their black boot cereal thugs to bully the free people. In turn the more combative free people become until this primitive and feudal sick cycle of taking by force degenerates into anarchy and revolution.
Thus you have the few, controlling the many by outright thruggery. This is also done by the King Communist County DDES via the 1500 tickets a year they give out to rural property owners as you know too well. This oppression goes against all the laws of the land as well as common law, natural law, constitutional law, contract laws, God's law. There is only one law that supports all of this taking, it is called progressive law. It was invented by ivy league academic law school state controlled ABA control freaks. They don't care whether property owners are Repo's or Dem's or Com's. The ticketing, coding, fining, coordinating, regulating is all a form of mind control via fear. Fear and force upon free people create the same action - reaction cycle of violence. People loath to fight will allow themselves to be herded into virtual corrals and then chutes and then the trains which all lead to the death camps.
This is why Dr. Ron Paul created a very creative cartoon campaign ad showing a ship docked with huge box crates being thrown into the water labeled, FBI, CIA, IRS, etc. He is right on.
The exponential rise of government cereal organizations is another symptom of societies gone sour with fear and paranoia created through rampant over regulation of the traditional lives of free men and women. All the wars and takings of our rights have been done the same way, i.e. by inciting, inflaming, stampeding especially urban types into a mass hysteria. Both political parties win their end games using these techniques.
Man caused global warming is another classic example of creating a fear to take your rights. The eastern extremes and their national and global central banking sources together with the government offer "lollipop" grants to academia to "study" outcome based agenda JUNK SCIENCE, i.e. here's a grant, tell me what I want to hear. Then the scientific journals pick up on the agenda, i.e. print the statistical lies to get the business, then the 5 US media corporations pick up the name of the game and propagate the current urban legends through "time and space". Thus fear is created through the myth. All the while, "its the sun stupid" whereby the sun has periods too which modulate our weather, the sun cycles warms the ocean which drives the sea to emit more CO2 which then warms the planet more and creates a longer growing season to feed us al. CO2 is the effect of sun cycle warming, not the cause of man. Man's contribution to CO2 is only .0012 to .0017 from reliable sources I have studied.
They created a myth to create a public fear to control us, is the bottom line. The collecteral effect and down side of just this one massive taking is unimaginable over many generations. Our rights are devastated, we lose our private and public land, our homes, our vehicles, our traditional way of life, our civil and personal peace, our security, our sanctuary. The dark side destroys our life, our states and our country in an average of 200 years. The clock for the next American Revolution is 32 years over due. We are clearly in revolutionary times. This was prophesized and what 2012 is all about in part.
Urban societies, especially large cities, create most of these problems because of their political power, wealth and their unnatural rat packing and stacking of people into high density zones. People are not ants or bees genetically predisposed to live in tight colonies. Free people go "Postal" when pushed to tight, too far, too many times, too much noise, too much traffic, too much regulations, too many cops, too many controls, too many corrupt courts, government types, ad nausea. All leading to escalating Gestapo visits which lead to the 200 year average cycle of the rise and fall of societies.
Long ago I read an article on a study of law enforcement types saying that 40% of them tested above normal levels of paranoia. I would say that number is over 50 % now. People are attracted to occupations that allow them to exercise their passions, good or bad. Politicians, law enforcement, government cereal agents, et al, have a passion to control people. However noble their thinking may be, it more often degenerates into mindless brutal tyranny when especially when free men and women strike out because no one likes to be told how to do their business, e.g. how to hunt, fish, mine, farm, ranch, drive, feed themselves or otherwise take of themselves.
Societies ills are reflective of their own people. The downward cycle of tyranny, black boot visits and global dominance by America is as sick as Nazism, Stalinism and all the "isms. Abusive husbands or wife's, beat their spouses and children into a codependent form of insanity whereby the victims fear for their lives so much, they are frozen, like deer in headlights. The family victims are beaten into submission, cannot make the simplest decisions to leave and go to their nearest friend, neighbor, church. They have lost their confidence to understand how powerful and free and independent they are, because they live in a constant state of fear.
This is where we are in America. This 232 year rise of American despotism was also prophesized by the angelic visitation to General Washington in his quarters at Valley Forge, i.e. the worst time for him and America. While he and less than 2000 men sat starving and freezing to death, the rest of the 3,000,000 American colonialist partied on, warm and fed. A few thousand desperate men willing to fight and die for their sovereignty against overwhelming odds of some 30,000 trained British and Hessian troops, 94 battles, 62 troop movements, 33 Acts of British Parliament from 1763 to 1783.
This struggle for freedom 232 years ago is repeating itself again. The British monarchy is now the American oligarchy. Oligarchy... a government in which a small group exercises control, esp. for corrupt and selfish purposes."
Instead of a few thousand men, 20,000 originally in the early stage of the battle, I believe we will ultimately see a 100 times (300 million/3 million) those numbers rise up who want their free choice more than anything in this world despite a chicken in every pot as Rod profoundly qualifies peoples inaction.
Forced takings of any kind or color are based on fear, e.g. who is going to fund our schools if we don't tax everyone into and after death? Forced taxing is a false fear based assumption that a free society cannot survive without taking from A and giving to B. The very assumption is not only wrong it is criminal as are all the basic assumptions which lead to taking people's private and even public property by force. 90% of the people still do not understand that free choice societies create their own abundance and wealth which ultimately leads to the extinction of oppressive governments all together, if people are left totally free.
Governments and corporations are legal fiction creations obviously not created by God. Individuals are created by God and are given a certain enumerated bundle of unalienable rights at birth, i.e. birth rights. We are recognized as sovereign and free in America. The natural born state Citizens command even more respect and freedom than others in this land. The American form of a Constitutional Republic was created expressively to protect the sovereignty of the several states and the natural born and free sovereign state Citizens. Those who were free in the colonies, republics and commonwealths set themselves free sometime after 1620. The Mayflower Compact was a collective agreement of the some 100 individuals to enter into a form of socialism to protect themselves at that time. They voluntarily entered into this signed contract NOT by any political or legal deceptive adhesion skullduggery as done today by the state, e.g. IRS, drivers licenses, gun licenses, permits, zoning, ticketing, coding, ordinances, marriage license, birth certificates, etc.
Legal fiction corporations and legal fiction municipal corporations like the cities, counties, states and D.C. are required by their own charters, to be financially independent or they go bankrupted and/or are sharked up by larger free roaming predators. This is the way of nature to cull out the poor performers. Healthy and independent corporations, municipal or otherwise, pay the stockholders dividends and even profits. Corporations never force their own stockholders to give them money in good times or bad. Today's form of government is a supreme perversion on the founding and original laws of the laws of our land.
Corporations may ask for and float bonds and stocks and advertise for VOLUNTARY INVESTMENTS, but never would they send out black boot Nazis to collect your private property or threaten you for any reason, least of all when one private Citizen tells another what he truly thinks about another's presidential choice. Progressive law is built on legal fiction which IS A REAL THREAT TO OUR RIGHTS.
The Common Law requires action NOT THREATS and then it must be tried by A JURY OF YOUR PEERS AND THEN THEY DECIDE THE MERITS OF THE LAW. Today the courts and the judges are ALL crooked, no exceptions.
In other words, the original Federalist Constitutional Republic experiment never worked. Many of the "delegates" walked out when they sensed the plan by the Federalist to take over the country with a big central government. Rhode Island refused to sign at all early on. The Federalist had so much trouble keeping a forum that they physically forced some of the delegates back. This is why they added the last Amendment VII "requiring only nine states so ratifying.
They could not get a unanimous decision and they were hell bent on forcing this charter one way or another, the Articles of Confederation be dammed which required 100% unanimous decisions. The constitutional conventions were not official state legislative sessions. The "decisions" reached by each state convention were supposed to be sent to the then post Continental Congress, i.e. "United States in Congress Assembled". Freedom historians are still trying to validate what really happen.
What we do know is the "United States In Congress Assembled" did not put this out for vote to their respective people. There was no vote whether the people wanted this particular form of central government vs. the existing independent states via the Articles of Confederation vs. a Confederacy of Republics. More coming on this unbelievable story.
The black boots did not just appear at your door or mine or Stormy's or Ron's, they have been marching steadfastly upon our private property for 232 years.
Jack Venrick
Enumclaw, Washington
Mayflower Compact
(November 21, 1620)
In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c.
Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, convenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience.
IN WITNESS whereof we have hereunto subscibed our names at Cape Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, King James of England, France and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini, 1620.
Mr. John Carver
Mr.William Bradford et al
----- Original Message -----
To: Jack Venrick
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 7:04 AM
Subject: Fw: Secret Service in LUFKIN!! Why?
You may find this VERY interesting. If Obama's on the "other team", why would the secret service be so quick to jump on this and so secretive??
Secret Service visits Lufkin woman after 'death threat' allegation from an Obama campaign volunteer
The Lufkin Daily News
Monday, October 06, 2008
A Lufkin woman received a surprise visit from the Secret Service last week because of a "death threat" comment she reportedly made about Sen. Barack Obama to a campaign volunteer asking for her support of the presidential candidate.
Two federal agents arrived at Jessica Hughes' home Thursday to ask her if she said, "I will never support Obama and he will wind up dead on a hospital floor."
Jessica Savage/The Lufkin Daily News
Jessica and Micah Hughes say two Secret Service agents showed up on their doorstep Thursday after a campaign volunteer for Sen. Barack Obama accused her of making a 'death threat' during a phone conversation a day earlier.
Hughes said her words were deliberately twisted by a volunteer who was apparently unhappy Hughes was rude during a phone conversation the two had. The Lufkin mother, a Republican, said she received a call on her cell phone Wednesday from a woman with the Obama Volunteers of Texarkana.
"She asked if I was an Obama supporter, to which I replied, 'No, I don't support him. Your guy is a socialist who voted four times in the state Senate to let little babies die in hospital closets; I think you should find something better to do with your time.' (And then) I hung up."
(Hughes is referring to a "born alive" Illinois bill that did not pass in the Illinois state Senate in 2005 and had previously been opposed by Obama because he said it undermined Roe v. Wade, according to, a non-partisan organization. A federal version of the bill, which Obama said he would have supported, passed by unanimous consent and was signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2002.)
Obama Campaign Communications for Texas director Josh Taylor declined to comment Monday, refusing to answer any questions and referring the matter to the Secret Service, which he said is conducting an investigation. A message left with a Secret Service agent in Houston was not immediately returned.
Hughes said she was surprised to see two Secret Service agents at her door, and upset to learn that the conversation she had with the volunteer apparently had not been recorded.
"I find it hard to believe that (campaign volunteers) don't tape these calls. They call people unsolicited and they aren't monitoring the calls or recording them? I think that is absolutely ridiculous," she said.
"I mean, how often must this happen — that someone is rude to a volunteer that they don't want to talk to?"
Hughes said she wants to file a countercomplaint against the volunteer.
"She has made a charge that will follow me the rest of my life," she said.
"I find that repugnant and violating — that some person got her undies in a bundle because she didn't like what I had to say."
Monday, October 27, 2008
Rothchild DNC Platform Member Steps Down To Support McCain
This is "peep hole" view of how the global chess game is played. With the world wide internet, we are growing more eyes to see them, than they ever had or ever will have to see us.
This global and national empire building has been highly succesful for centuries, even millaniums, when they could cast their "spells" over us in the dark.
The darkness is lifting now, as the internet exposes the chess moves against us and as we awaken one another.
Jack Venrick
Enumclaw, Washington
Personal message from Devvy
The $53 TRILLION dollar asteroid
The robber banker barons are now looting the American people with the blessing of Congress. Via the privately owned, unconstitutional Federal Reserve, the American people will be left with nothing, while our enemies like Communist China continue to buy our assets and land.
A dangerous liason has taken place that will pass right over the heads of the American people kept in the dark. McCain is a pawn and subordinate of the powerful Rockefeller family. He has become the annointed one because he is a war monger and fits right in with the plan of those who profit from endless wars of aggression.
On September 17, 2008, a powerful Rothschild, DNC Platform Committee Member Lynn Forester de Rothschild, good friend of Hillary Clinton, stepped down from her position to endorse McCain. This speaks HUGE volumes and further enforces the very ugly scenario underway right now. It signals the close cooperation of two of the major proponents of world government and controllers of fortunes.
Freddie, Fannie, Fascism - Where was Congress?
September 15, 2008
Update: September 18, 2008
A few more comments about the financial meltdown because it's moving fast and fluid:
"About $2.8 trillion of market value was erased from global stocks this week as Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. filed for bankruptcy, Bank of America Corp. purchased Merrill Lynch & Co. for $50 billion, and the U.S. government took control of American International Group Inc. in an $85 billion takeover to prevent the biggest financial collapse ever. Russian Banks. Russia halted stock trading for a second day and poured $44 billion into its three biggest banks in a bid to halt the worst financial crisis in a decade." [1]
The underlying debt is still there even though the average American really has no idea what all this means, yet. Yesterday gold jumped dramatically
"Gold surged the most in nine years as investors sought the safety of precious metals on concern that the credit crisis will deepen, leading more financial institutions to fail. [2]
While the incompetent Nancy Pelosi sputters the Democrats had nothing to do with this current crisis, [3] she left out
"The current mortgage crisis came about in large part because of Clinton-era government pressure on lenders to make risky loans in order to “make home ownership more affordable for lower-income Americans and those with a poor credit history,” the DC Examiner notes today. “Those steps encouraged riskier mortgage lending by minimizing the role of credit histories in lending decisions, loosening required debt-to-equity ratios to allow borrowers to make small or even no down payments at all, and encouraging lenders the use of floating or adjustable interest-rate mortgages, including those with low ‘teasers.’
"The liberal Village Voice previously chronicled how Clinton Administration housing secretary Andrew Cuomo helped spawn the mortgage crisis through his pressure on lenders to promote affordable housing and diversity. “Andrew Cuomo, the youngest Housing and Urban Development secretary in history, made a series of decisions between 1997 and 2001 that gave birth to the country's current crisis. He took actions that—in combination with many other factors—helped plunge Fannie and Freddie into the subprime markets without putting in place the means to monitor their increasingly risky investments.
"He turned the Federal Housing Administration mortgage program into a sweetheart lender with sky-high loan ceilings and no money down, and he legalized what a federal judge has branded ‘kickbacks’ to brokers that have fueled the sale of overpriced and unsupportable loans. Three to four million families are now facing foreclosure, and Cuomo is one of the reasons why.” (See Wayne Barrett, “Andrew Cuomo and Fannie and Freddie: How the Youngest Housing and Urban Development Secretary in History Gave Birth to the Mortgage Crisis,” Village Voice, August 5, 2008)." [4]
There can be no financial stability as long as we have a debauched currency and a corrupted monetary system:
"To be sure, when Americans are told that "justice" and "the rule of law" require them to forfeit their accumulated savings and economic security to the very institutions and individuals who enticed them out on the financial limb that the Establishment then sawed off, justifiably violent animosities towards the powers that be will arise among some citizens. For most victimized Americans, though, politicians, bankers, high finance, big business, and the intelligentsiia will finger scapegoats on whom wrongly to pin the blame for the crisis and its aftermath. This will generate increased confusion, recriminations, conflicts, and social chaos; and further divide, disarm, and ultimately defeat the forces that, if united, might effectively oppose the Establishment.
"In addition, rather than disseminating demands for sound money and honest banking in order to deal with the crisis, the controlled media will orchestrate calls for massive increases in the supply of fiat currency and credit, ostensibly in order to enable common people to pay their debts. Of course, this will necessitate the maintenance of fractional-reserve central banking to emit the new currency, as well as the creation of more, more, and even more debt to serve as "security" for these emissions--thereby perpetuating the cause of the crisis and ensuring that further crises will break out later on. In this way, credulous Americans will be duped into chaining themselves to new debts in order to pay off their old ones, rendering permanent their financial indentured servitude to the Establishment. March 21, 2005 [5]
I've spent most of the week helping my elderly parents and other members of my family with their banking situations, CDs and pension concerns. My email box has been drowning with desperate messages from people who are just now beginning to realize the enormity of what we're seeing. People are also very concerned, actually feeling panic, over pension funds, 401(k)s - are they really safe? Despite the absolute stupidity out of Steve Doocy's mouth on FAUX News Network, September 17, 2008, when he stated, "This financial crisis should be over by the end of the week," 'this' isn't going to be 'over' for years with the worst yet to come.
While I'm not an investment counselor nor do I sell gold or any other precious metal, you can discuss your situation with Eric at El Dorado Gold and find out your options. Gold is still the only real, safe money. As I have written so many times, the middle class is sliding into poverty and no amount of sound bites from McCain or the absurd Obama "plan" on the economy (more regulations and "universal homeowner tax breaks") is going to stop this tragedy underway. I wish it were going to be different, but we've passed the point of no return. Arrogance and greed - twin monsters - has come back to bite the banking and lending industry and the American people will be the victims. When Ben Bernanke admits, "We've lost control," We cannot stabilize the dollar. We cannot control commodity prices,"[5] it's time to face the reality of this situation and act to protect yourself, your family and your future.
I urge you to consider diversifying a portion of your portfolio or savings into gold because gold doesn't lie and it never loses it's intrinsic value. Not in thousands of years. Visit El Dorado's web site for a wealth of information on this important issue. It amazes me how many Americans simply ignore the risk of losing everything they've ever worked for instead of doing what the world's richest people do and that is own gold.
Eric can answer your questions and help you in understanding what is best for your situation. His number in Florida is: 623.643.8785
Or, if you're closer to the Phoenix area and would rather deal with someone on your side of the country, call Harvey at: 928.227.2621; cell: 602.228.820
Sunday, October 12, 2008
URGENT - The Nature Conservancy Is Striking Again - Please Forward - Quilcene Washington private property being bought up by the state
This is a must read from one our strongest property rights advocates and principles of Olympic Stewardship Foundation in the Olympic peninsula Washington state for you out of staters.
This is exactly how the eastern extreme work together with all of their partners in government around the world. This is atypical of how the green extremes take our private and public lands behind our backs, in closed door uninvited sessions and by shear persistence betting that the eye of the public will grow weary of their hammering upon US.
Please post whereever possible and help us get this word out to support Norman and all private property owners and anyone who does not want their own private and public lands shut down in the future. This green taking is a cancer that is terminal if we don't kill it now with radiation and chemo therapy by exposing it.
Attention - Jeff Wright (CAPR); Ron Ewart (NARLO) - Consider sending this out to your extensive email list.
Extract from 1st message below
"Folks, things have changed, and they continue to change rapidly.
The only reason Jefferson County is going to get the $4+ million from the Secure Rural Schools Act funding this year is because it was rolled into the $810 Billion bailout bill that was supposed to rescue the markets . . . which continue to tank spectacularly all around the world.
It had come to a vote in the U.S. House three times this year . . . and had been rejected every time.
Extract from 2nd message below
Jim could you please forward the following to the group. Apparently the state is having a meeting and we property owners down here have not yet been invited yet! I received the below from a "friend". As you can see the nature conservancy types are packing the seats and we could use a little help ourselves. Property is being bought up by the state down here and "forever" being removed from private ownership. They are erecting dead trees in the valley, getting rid of the small amount of open space and actual privately held small parcels of land. The hidden thing is that when enough private land is gone then regulation will end all private ownership, anyway would be nice to have some friendly faces in the crowd if anyone has the time.
Jack Venrick
Enumclaw, Washington
----- Original Message -----
From: Norman MacLeod
To: various
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 9:54 AM __,_._,___
What are we talking about here?
The state is proposing to expand the Dabob Bay Natural Area Preserve from its current 195 acres to as much as 3200 acres.
When adopted, the expanded boundaries allows the Department of Natural Resources to work with willing landowners to achieve “protection in perpetuity” for the expanded area. This “opportunity boundary” focuses DNR on protecting (placing new use restrictions) this land.
The last two steps still needing to be completed are this upcoming final public meeting and formal adoption by the State Lands Commissioner.
If this goes through, the landowners within the newly defined boundary will come under focused attention to participate in achieving the desired levels of protection. There will be pressure to participate. $5 million was appropriated by the state legislature for this purpose in 2007. There is, of course, no guarantee that the money will remain available, given the economic situation we are being plunged into at the moment.
The email conversation included below was forwarded with a request that it be forwarded on further. The issue is the expansion of permanently conserved lands in the Dabob Bay area. The initiating point of this particular e-conversation is an email sent to the regional membership of The Nature Conservancy . . . amounting to an admission that they stacked the meeting in May, and pleading for a much expanded stacking for the upcoming October 23 public meeting.
That message was sent to TNC members, who by and large do not live in the area surrounding Dabob. In fact, it would not be a stretch to assume that a good share of the fannies warming the seats at the Quilcene High School will be arriving from the I-5 Corridor.
They are doing this in anticipation of a larger group of locally concerned citizens learning about what happened in May . . . and responding by coming to this meeting, and in the hope that they will be able to drown you out with their advocacy for permanently “preserving” thousands of acres in Quilcene. (Pay especially close attention to the highlighted portions of the TNC rally call.) What do you think removing that land from availability will mean at a time when news of economic catastrophe in the stock markets around the world rolls in by the day . . . by the hour . . . sometimes even by the minute?
Folks, things have changed, and they continue to change rapidly. The only reason Jefferson County is going to get the $4+ million from the Secure Rural Schools Act funding this year is because it was rolled into the $810 Billion bailout bill that was supposed to rescue the markets . . . which continue to tank spectacularly all around the world. It had come to a vote in the U.S. House three times this year . . . and had been rejected every time.
We have to prepare for the worst, and get ready to live on our own resources . . . just in case. If we can do that, then we can get through whatever is coming for the next several years. In order to do that, we need all of our available land to remain available to us. We cannot afford to lock any of it up to meet somebody’s Pugetopian vision of “the way things should be”. I’d dearly love to be proved wrong on this . . . but I’d feel a whole lot worse if we allowed anyone to take away the resources we might need to keep our families warm and fed.
Too many people are trying to press forward with a “business as usual” attitude. Economic conditions are no longer “as usual”. Since the slide began, our markets are off by at least a quarter. They are not falling gracefully. One of Port Townsend’s restaurateurs recently opted not to renew his lease. The rapidly rising number of shared entrees with water as the beverage was his cue. I was recently in an excellent waterfront restaurant in Poulsbo on a Saturday evening during the dinner hour. At one point, we were the only party in the place, and the owner told me that his business is off by well more than half compared to this time last year. The cracks are growing.
These folks from the TNC and the other highlighted groups are coming to Quilcene with a “business as usual” attitude. A few of them live in our area . . . but only a few. We need to be there in greater numbers, with the needs of our families in mind, and we need to politely and eloquently inform the state and our environmentally concerned mostly-distant neighbors that they will need to wait on locking up our local resources until after economic good times return and we have a new perspective on the values that those lands actually hold for the totality of farms, fish and people. With that context in hand, we will be more than willing to discuss what lands should be permanently set aside and removed from what will then hopefully be an expanding tax base.
In the meantime, I think we can also be sensitive to the needs of Dabob’s ecosystems, and that we would be more than willing to make sensitive use of the land when it is necessary.
Remember, this needs to be a gathering where we are calm, peaceful, well reasoned, and each take our turn to speak, so that all of our comments are entered into the public record. Bring written comments to submit to the officials, so that they, too, will be included in the public record.
We’re sorry, but we simply cannot afford to foreclose on our ability to feed our families when it looks like conditions dictate that we may need to make some use of some portion of those lands to help keep our children healthy.
From: Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 7:04 PMTo: Cc: Subject: RE: Please Forward - Quilcene private property being bought up by the state
I’ll work to get some word out as soon as possible. I’d like to have some more specifics if you can provide them so I can be factual in what is going on.
From: Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 6:47 PMTo: Subject: Re: Please Forward - Quilcene private property being bought up by the state
Jim could you please forward the following to the group. Apparently the state is having a meeting and we property owners down here have not yet been invited yet! I received the below from a "friend". As you can see the nature conservancy types are packing the seats and we could use a little help ourselves. Property is being bought up by the state down here and "forever" being removed from private ownership. They are erecting dead trees in the valley, getting rid of the small amount of open space and actual privately held small parcels of land. The hidden thing is that when enough private land is gone then regulation will end all private ownership, anyway would be nice to have some friendly faces in the crowd if anyone has the time.
Below is the copy of what I guess is a nature conservancy request:
On Sep 30, 2008, at 2:10 PM, Fayette Krause wrote:
Dear Folks: We finally have an announcement of the public hearing on the proposed expansion of the Natural Area Preserve/Natural Resource Conservation Area boundary at Dabob Bay. As indicated, the date is October 23. The location is the Quilcene High School -- the same venue as the informational meeting back in May of this year. Time is as follows:
5:30 Doors open.6:00 Meeting begins.6:30 Public testimony is accepted. I anticipate more people who oppose the expansion will be attending than was the case at the first meeting. In May, those who opposed or were skeptical of the expansion were very surprised at the turn out that NW Watershed Insitute, Jefferson Land Trust, Admiralty Audubon, and TNC helped to generate. They have had time to contact people on the other side of this issue, so we need to be prepared with increased numbers of supporters. I hope that all of you who participated in the initial, informational mtg -- and those of you who weren't able to attend -- will attend this public mtg. It is our last opportunity to fashion a project that truly will protect Dabob for decades to come. It can also be an opportunity for us to put in place a model that will help rejuvenate Puget Sound. Please put the date on your calendar and invite your friends to attend and support Dabob Bay, too. We can have an expansive protected area at Dabob if we all take one more night and make certain our voices are heard. Thanks for your support. FayetteThe Nature Conservancy
Saturday, October 4, 2008
How to Play the Traffic Ticket Game With the Police State
98% of the time a traffic ticket is illegitimate. It's the same ole taking game and profile, i.e. generating income for the state using unconstitutional legislation applicable to public policy and or commercial business and applying it across the board to sovereign & free state Citizens.
I mentioned this story before but will repeat for the new arrivals. I had a Vietnamese Software Engineer working for me on a project for a few years at Boeing. He was a "boat person" who had escaped Vietnam with enough money to get him to Oregon where he had an Uncle who took him in and put him through the UO or OSU. Before he came to work for Boeing he worked for the Oregon DMV on their data base.
Point 1 - He told me that 98% of the drivers in that db had a ticket going back 5 or more years in their records, i.e. the legislature greedy for more money and wanting to make you more "safe" crawl out of their little sand box and come into your private vehicles, homes, land, etc.
Point 2 - I also heard an average driver commits a traffic violation in three blocks, i.e. same agenda as above.
Point 3 - Whenever you do get a ticket follow the sage advice below AND when you get home,
get out your phone book and go to the Yellow Pages under Attorneys - Traffic Violations.
Pick an attorney near the court of the ticket and give his office a call.
98% of the time, he or she can get you off because the officer has not following their own rules. Sound familiar.
I was told there are at least 17 some rules that apply to them and their equipment that few follow.
The cops know this, the judge knows it, the attorneys know it, but lets keep the sovereign state Citizens in the dark and feed them shit.
Point 4 - Never go argue your own case in court on unless you know how to play the game, i.e. know all of these ticket loop holes.
While you may luck out and get off, the court is prejudiced against people who come in unrepresented. My last ticket years ago I was in the court room an hour early waiting for my attorney to show up. I watched about a dozen cases. After the judge (very nice I have to say) got thru disposing of them, he turned to me and another fellow and asked if we were Attorney "such & such" clients. We said yes. He turns to his clerk and asks for that file. i.e. he had us in a separate file for that local town attorney who does nothing else but defend local traffic ticket cases in Tacoma. I won my case, needless to say.
Point 5 - Last but certainly no least, this is another example of the criminality of the DOT
atypical of the growing government fascism in America.
Drivers license plates and driver license permits were originally for commercial drivers only.
One of our certain bundle of unalienable rights is the right to freely travel in the state and through the states unrestricted.
The deal is, if the traffic attorney does not get you off, you don't pay him. If he wins your case you owe him 100 to $200 depending on the attorney. These traffic attorneys also know the cops and their habits and the exact laws they usually break. The judge knows that your attorney but how many people know now what you know.
Also with this approach near 100% chance of winning, you will not have to deal with any potential insurance cost increase.
The gangsters are now running our government and we live in an age of "Shake Down The Private Property Owners" . Because of all the discrimination against private property, they know where they live, the cars we drive, where we work, the money we make, where our assets are and all the illegitimate taxes, fines, fees, codes, ordinances, acts, tickets, ad nausea we are going to pay. This invasion of our privacy and trespassing upon our property goes against all the founding laws.
I have attached some of my DOT tyranny emails above FYI.
Another great resource to fully understand the misfeasance and malfeasance of the DOT upon our individual rights is this site
Richard McDonald has done a superb job.
He has them organized a bit differently. You can get into his extensive files via the highlighted "File Room" link.
File Room -
allfiles.txt - is an index only of all of his files by group. I printed this out and its 23 pages.
The index is NOT linked to the files so you have to figure out what file you want & note its applicable group
then go back to that group in "Index of /files and find the file.
He has dozens of documents on the DOT debauchery and how to deal with it.
Richard McDonald would be an excellent resource to come and speak at you event. In addition to awakening people on the general state takings he also has a seminar on traffic and citizenship according to these files.
Here is an excellent case to exemplify and clarify the complete usurping of our founding rights via adhesion deceptions, i.e. coercive & deceptive fraudulent contracts.
Read Richard McDonald's Seminar on state Citizenship -
"Next is a deposition hearing by Virgil Cooper in Arizona.
Every question is a trick question, and every answer is the legally correct answer:"...
Q: Are you a citizen of the United States?
A: No, I am not.
Q: Are you a resident of Arizona?
A: No, I am not. I was born in Phoenix. I have lived in Maricopa County all my life, but I am not a resident. I do not reside.
Q: Are you registered to vote?
A: No, I am not.
Q: Do you have a driver's license?
A: No, I do not.
Q: Do you have any motor vehicles registered in Arizona?
A: No, I do not.
Q: Are you employed?
A: No. I am not. I am not employed. I am not unemployed. I am not self-employed. I am not gainfully employed. In fact, I am not employable. But, I work. Besides, Arizona is a right to work state.
Q: Do you pay state and federal resident income taxes?
A: No, I do not.
Q: Do you pay property taxes in Arizona?
A: No, I do not.
Q: Do you have a marriage license?
A: No, I do not.
Q: Do you have children enrolled in public school?
A: No, I do not. My children are home taught.
You've really done your homework! "
Enumclaw, Washington
We don’t live in the good old days when the police were on our side any more. These suggestions could help keep you out of trouble.
Things to Remember When Confronted By The Police If you have a confrontation with the police - know your rights and know what you should or should not do to give them up. Just follow these 10 rules: 1. Don’t Talk. Do not say a word to the officer. Just shut up! I cannot stress to you the importance of this rule. Do not talk! Do not attempt to convince the officer of your innocence. Everyone is innocent, no one should be arrested and no one should be in jail and that is all the officer hears all day every day. He / she does not care generally whether you are innocent or guilty and there is nothing that he / she can do at this point. Most times, when people speak to officers they say something that makes their situation far worse. Keep your mouth shut, there will be plenty of time to talk later. 2. Don’t Run. I said above to listen to the officer and follow his / her instructions. Do not be scared and do not let the liquid courage, aka alcohol, convince you that you can outrun the twelve officers and helicopter that will track you down. Also, police become highly suspicious that someone running has a weapon and may be quick to draw their weapon. Additionally, when they do run you down expect much stronger force used to subdue a fleeing suspect. 3. Never Resist Arrest. Perhaps the most important thing not to do is touch the police officer at all! Again, sober up quick and follow what the officer says. Many people attempt to bump the officer or swat an officers hands away. This often falls under the assault statutes and now a minor misdemeanor arrest becomes a FELONY. Thus a reckless driving charge leads to a year or more in state prison. Additionally, touching the officer in any way can lead to a baton in the mouth. 4. Don’t Believe the Police. It is perfectly legal for the police to lie to get you to make an admission. The police frequently separate two friends and tell one the other one ratted him / her out. Because of the lie, the other friend now rats the first friend out. Police and detectives also state that “it will be easier” to talk now…LIES!!! DON’T BELIEVE THIS BS! It will only be easier for the police to prove their case! 5. No Searching. Do not allow the police to search anywhere! If the police officer asks, they do not have the right to search and must have your consent. If you are asked make sure you proclaim to any witnesses that “You (the police) do not have consent to search.” If they perform the search anyway, that evidence may be thrown out later. Also, if you consent to a search, the officers may find something that you had no idea you had placed somewhere, ie: marijuana left by a friend. (my input, what could be more frightening than law enforcement planting something illegal that you HONESTLY have no recollection!)Remember, that denying the police consent to search DOES NOT give them the probable cause they would need to conduct a search. 6. Don’t Look At Places Where You Don’t Want Police to Search. Police are trained to watch you and react to you. They know that you are nervous and scared and many people look to the areas that they don’t want the police to search. Do not react to the search and do not answer any questions. LOOK DOWN AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!! 7. Do Not Talk Shit to the Police. I don’t care if you have been wrongly arrested and the true culprit is standing in front of you. Don’t talk shit! Police hear all day that my dad is the the Governor’s Assistant’s Intern and I will have your badge for this! Police have a lot of discretion in the upcoming charges brought. Police can add charges, change a misdemeanor to a felony, or even talk to the prosecutor that is ultimately prosecuting you. 8. If Police Come to Your Home, Do not Let Them In and Do Not Step Outside Your Home. If the police are confident you have committed a felony, they are coming in anyway, because they generally don’t need an arrest warrant. Make it clear to the police by stating: “No you may not come in”, or “I am comfortable talking right here”, or “You need a search warrant to enter my home.” If they return, your attorney can arrange for you to turn yourself in should that be necessary and you will spend no time in jail between the hearings. 9. Outside Your Home Arrested, Do Not Accept Offer to Go In Your Home for Anything. The officer may say to you, how about you go inside and change, freshen up, talk to your wife, husband, get a jacket, or any other reason. The police will graciously escort you in and then tear your home apart searching through it. Also, do not let them secure your car. Your car is fine. Remember they are lying to you. They don’t give a damn if you are really cold or if you need to talk to your wife or husband. 10. Don’t say a word. It’s incredible how many people feel that they can convince the officer, the booking officer or a detective (if your case reaches that stature) that they are not guilty. YOUR CASE IS NOT DECIDED BY THESE PEOPLE. They have no affect on your records. Wait to speak to your lawyer! The courts give enormous weight to “confessions” during this stage. A suspect is almost NEVER released after being arrested. Follow these ten simply rules religiously and many of your rights will remain intact. I don’t care how nervous, scared or drunk you are, THESE RULES ARE VERY IMPORTANT, and will help you tremendously in the short and long run. And remember - we are not your lawyer!
You'll notice that rule #1 and rule #10 are the same. SHUT UP!There is a very good reason for that.Forget the word "can." Anything you say to the police WILL be used against you.ANYTHING!Matter of fact, having worked in all of the following at one time or another, I can tell you that you never, never, NEVER give one word of information to the police, a bank, or an insurance company that you are not required to give. NOT ONE WORD!These people are not your friends.Get used to it.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Bailout Bill Passes The Senate Again and Heads for the House to Vote Before saturday Oct. 4 - More Corruption Than You Can Read Below
The United States Senate passed the 'New and Improved' bailout
bill this evening (Oct. 1, 2008). With a 74 aye and 25 nay
vote, the bill passed in a landslide. I guess the Senate isn't
listening to Americans when we voice our extreme opposition to
this 'Billionaire Bailout'.
The bill is scheduled to go in front of the House on Friday.
Unlike the House bill, this bill has all kinds of fun little
measures included to entice both Republicans and Democrats to
vote aye.
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2008 12:56 PM
- When we say NO to funding (70%) this bailout larceny on a bill of few pages..
- CON..gress rewrites the bill(up to 450 pages) to grease it up and try again
- With No court review
- when the country or corporation defaults on their loan
- the bankers refinance the loan for a "small fee"
- i.e. they start the larceny all over again
- i.e. they loan more credit to the bankrupted corporation/country to continue making the payments
- read all about it in "The Creature From Jekyll Island"
- this is NOT fiction
- Jekyll Island is an island off coast of Georgia
- Playground for the rich, i.e. Rockefeller & the big boys
- then it was bankrupted in the early 1930's a few times
- then in August 15, 1971
- then in December 18, 1971
- then in February 12, 1973
- F. Roosevelt declared the US bankrupted in
- EO 6073, 6102, 6111, 6260, on 3-9-1933
- Congress confirmed the bankruptcy June 5, 1933
- thru HJR 192 -
- the joint resolution to suspend the gold standard & abrogate the gold standard
- US Treasury seizes all gold - June 30, 1936
- Private Possession of gold illegal - Jan. 30, 1934
- Silver was demonetized as payment of debt in 1862
- Silver withdrew from circulation in 1964
- the gold prices are suppressed by the banks, i.e. FIXED
- Don't believe me - check it out for yourself here -
- there talking about all this on Coast to Coast AM now.
- the free market is suppressed
- India and China and Dubai and Turkey are buying up gold like hot cakes
- money is flowing from main street to wall street
- IT SHOULD BE flowing from wall street to main street.
- "All roads lead to Goldman Sachs" was just quoted on Coast To Coast Am tonight
- These are not my words, it is coming from those being interviewed on Coast to Coast
- "They are trying to hold it together until they can make themselves untouchable"
- the banks print the money
- and the military (police state) collects the taxes"
- "they can't pay the FDIC 100K deposit guarantees
- There is fraud at the very root of it
- Pouching of the deposit gives the banks the ability to gamble
- small banks are keeping the liquidity but may be gobbled up
- They have killed off the state S&L, credit unions next, then the state chartered banks
- people don't understand what is going on
- its not going away, its a symptom of who is in charge
- a highly centralized system for the benefit of a few
- we have a political problem at the core, not a financial
- The majority of the people are against this bailout yet the Senate voted 75 % for it
- This will create a 4th branch of government and will be an outpost of Goldman Sachs
- Goldman Sachs buys the brightest minds money can buy
- Small banks send their money to the big banks in New York
- Are the Federal Banks privately owned - Yes
- Bank England and The Bank of International Settlement are the mother of all banks
- Fed Bank of New York is the one bank causing all the problems
- Paulsen
Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill said the $700 billion bank-rescue proposal under negotiation in Washington is "crazy," with potentially "awful" consequences for the world's largest economy.
- 2500 INDIVIDUALS NOT GENERATED BY OUTSIDE GROUPS calls and emails in his District
- saying 50% "NO" and 50% "Hell No".
- Don't give the Bush administration anymore
- Governments should not intervene in the markets at all, the market will take care of this
- Don't bail out the fat cat Wall Street CEO's why aren't you helping me stay in my house (more angry than the other 2 groups)
Adam McCrow, Legislative Assistant, to Representative Barbara Bailey, 10th Legislative District was good enough to send me the following info, email attached above.
- For your information, the United States Senate just after 9 pm eastern time on Wednesday, Oct. 1st approved legislation by a vote of 75-24.
- Senator McCain, Senator Obama, & Senator Murray voted for the measure and
- Senator Cantwell voted against the measure.- HOORAY FOR SENATOR CANTWELL
- I am including a web-link for you to view the Senate Roll Call of this vote.
- Click here for the Senate Roll Call of the vote: Senate Roll Call Vote
The United States House is expected by many to vote on the bill sometime before Saturday evening.
This morning a Roundtable occurred in Skagit County that Congressman Rick Larsen conducted. The meeting addresses some concerns that many have had regarding this financial crisis the country is currently facing.
Link to the Roundtable video:
Bailout Bill Passes the Senate
With All Of Its Little Sweeteners to Seal The Deal
by Michael Vonasten
The United States Senate passed the 'New and Improved' bailout bill this evening (Oct. 1, 2008). With a 74 aye and 25 nay vote, the bill passed in a landslide. I guess the Senate isn't listening to Americans when we voice our extreme opposition to this 'Billionaire Bailout'.
The bill is scheduled to go in front of the House on Friday.
Unlike the House bill, this bill has all kinds of fun little measures included to entice both Republicans and Democrats to vote aye. The House bill was 110 pages; this one is 450. It includes raising FDIC insurance from $100,000 to $250,000, federal aid to rural schools, and a landmark health provision requiring insurance companies to provide coverage to mental health patients. It is just enough to entice a large bi-partisan effort in the House.
The bill also allows the FDIC to borrow an unlimited amount of money from the Treasury Department until the end of next year to cover the increased insurance limit.
This bill is even more dangerous than the last one. While still being a bailout for bankers that are engaged in bad mortgage loans, this bill has sweeteners designed to be well-received.
This is another call to action. We need all freedom and free-market loving individuals to put the pressure back on the House of Representatives. We need to jam their switchboards, email inboxes, and fax machines. We need to storm into their offices and demand that our money will not be used to keep the elite's balance sheets balanced.
This an incredibly unprecedented time we are witnessing in our nation's history. We are watching America go from a government-controlled market to an all-out corporate socialist state. It is time to get down and dirty and show them what we are made of.
Let's get busy.
Call the congress switch board at: (202) 224-3121
Find your congress person's contact info here: #
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Protecting Your Private Property From The Bankers & Government

Click on this chart to see the worst banks and their ratings
Dr. Weiss expects interest rates to hold for the short duration but to start climbing back up eventually.
Just as we build a fence around our land and our homes to protect us from outsiders and to protect what is our private property from straying outside; we must ensure there is a virtual fence around our investments that are protected by the highest safety ratings possible to meet our risk vs. reward tolerances.
He is also a hard money advocate always telling his investors to allocate some of their investments to gold or silver or any precious metals that go contrary to the market. I recommend his newsletter which may be found at most library, otherwise on his site for a subscription.
Seek professional advice on all investing matters for honest sources. Easy to say hard to find.
Here is one source I have tracked for decades. Mark Hulbert is a prince among the trackers of financial newsletters and a genius in statistics. Seek his newsletter and site at He levels the hype and tracks how each of the financial pundits portfolios compare to the indexes. Very few financial advisers beat the indexes.
Last and certainly not least is the American Association of Individual Investors at I have been a member on and off for decades. They deal in investment facts not hype and help educate you and give you tools to protect yourself.
Keep yourself safe at all times, your powder dry and your private property secure from any entangling alliances of the government or brokerages or bank speak. Do not believe anything they say. Perform your own due diligence and even then check with someone else you trust to make sure you are not being scammed. Ponzi schemes abound and these con men and women are the best of the best in deception. They know what you want to hear and believe. Even season investors, like myself, have fallen into this trap after doing months of due diligence.
You want to hire private investigators to do thorough background checks on anyone you do financial business with. And even then, you want to make sure they are registered with an active legitimate, well heeled and high rated brokerage or bank that will stand up and be liable for any fraud they com mitt.
Let the buyer beware cannot be understated during any period in time.
May God Watch Over Us and Wake Up The Sleeping Tiger Once Again to Reclaim Our Rightful Position as a nation based on free choice for all.
Jack Venrick
Enumclaw, Washington
P.S. Thank you Roni for "kicking me in the but" to get this out.