The United States Senate passed the 'New and Improved' bailout
bill this evening (Oct. 1, 2008). With a 74 aye and 25 nay
vote, the bill passed in a landslide. I guess the Senate isn't
listening to Americans when we voice our extreme opposition to
this 'Billionaire Bailout'.
The bill is scheduled to go in front of the House on Friday.
Unlike the House bill, this bill has all kinds of fun little
measures included to entice both Republicans and Democrats to
vote aye.
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2008 12:56 PM
- When we say NO to funding (70%) this bailout larceny on a bill of few pages..
- CON..gress rewrites the bill(up to 450 pages) to grease it up and try again
- With No court review
- when the country or corporation defaults on their loan
- the bankers refinance the loan for a "small fee"
- i.e. they start the larceny all over again
- i.e. they loan more credit to the bankrupted corporation/country to continue making the payments
- read all about it in "The Creature From Jekyll Island"
- this is NOT fiction
- Jekyll Island is an island off coast of Georgia
- Playground for the rich, i.e. Rockefeller & the big boys
- then it was bankrupted in the early 1930's a few times
- then in August 15, 1971
- then in December 18, 1971
- then in February 12, 1973
- F. Roosevelt declared the US bankrupted in
- EO 6073, 6102, 6111, 6260, on 3-9-1933
- Congress confirmed the bankruptcy June 5, 1933
- thru HJR 192 -
- the joint resolution to suspend the gold standard & abrogate the gold standard
- http://www.truthsetsusfree.com/HJR192.htm
- US Treasury seizes all gold - June 30, 1936
- Private Possession of gold illegal - Jan. 30, 1934
- Silver was demonetized as payment of debt in 1862
- Silver withdrew from circulation in 1964
- the gold prices are suppressed by the banks, i.e. FIXED
- Don't believe me - check it out for yourself here - http://www.gata.org/about
- there talking about all this on Coast to Coast AM now.
- the free market is suppressed
- India and China and Dubai and Turkey are buying up gold like hot cakes
- money is flowing from main street to wall street
- IT SHOULD BE flowing from wall street to main street.
- "All roads lead to Goldman Sachs" was just quoted on Coast To Coast Am tonight
- These are not my words, it is coming from those being interviewed on Coast to Coast
- "They are trying to hold it together until they can make themselves untouchable"
- the banks print the money
- and the military (police state) collects the taxes"
- "they can't pay the FDIC 100K deposit guarantees
- There is fraud at the very root of it
- Pouching of the deposit gives the banks the ability to gamble
- small banks are keeping the liquidity but may be gobbled up
- They have killed off the state S&L, credit unions next, then the state chartered banks
- people don't understand what is going on
- its not going away, its a symptom of who is in charge
- a highly centralized system for the benefit of a few
- we have a political problem at the core, not a financial
- The majority of the people are against this bailout yet the Senate voted 75 % for it
- This will create a 4th branch of government and will be an outpost of Goldman Sachs
- Goldman Sachs buys the brightest minds money can buy
- Small banks send their money to the big banks in New York
- Are the Federal Banks privately owned - Yes
- Bank England and The Bank of International Settlement are the mother of all banks
- Fed Bank of New York is the one bank causing all the problems
- Paulsen
Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill said the $700 billion bank-rescue proposal under negotiation in Washington is "crazy," with potentially "awful" consequences for the world's largest economy.
- 2500 INDIVIDUALS NOT GENERATED BY OUTSIDE GROUPS calls and emails in his District
- saying 50% "NO" and 50% "Hell No".
- Don't give the Bush administration anymore
- Governments should not intervene in the markets at all, the market will take care of this
- Don't bail out the fat cat Wall Street CEO's why aren't you helping me stay in my house (more angry than the other 2 groups)
Adam McCrow, Legislative Assistant, to Representative Barbara Bailey, 10th Legislative District was good enough to send me the following info, email attached above.
- For your information, the United States Senate just after 9 pm eastern time on Wednesday, Oct. 1st approved legislation by a vote of 75-24.
- Senator McCain, Senator Obama, & Senator Murray voted for the measure and
- Senator Cantwell voted against the measure.- HOORAY FOR SENATOR CANTWELL
- I am including a web-link for you to view the Senate Roll Call of this vote.
- Click here for the Senate Roll Call of the vote: Senate Roll Call Vote
The United States House is expected by many to vote on the bill sometime before Saturday evening.
This morning a Roundtable occurred in Skagit County that Congressman Rick Larsen conducted. The meeting addresses some concerns that many have had regarding this financial crisis the country is currently facing.
Link to the Roundtable video: http://skagit.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=&clip_id=317&publish_id=82&event_id=
Bailout Bill Passes the Senate
With All Of Its Little Sweeteners to Seal The Deal
by Michael Vonasten
The United States Senate passed the 'New and Improved' bailout bill this evening (Oct. 1, 2008). With a 74 aye and 25 nay vote, the bill passed in a landslide. I guess the Senate isn't listening to Americans when we voice our extreme opposition to this 'Billionaire Bailout'.
The bill is scheduled to go in front of the House on Friday.
Unlike the House bill, this bill has all kinds of fun little measures included to entice both Republicans and Democrats to vote aye. The House bill was 110 pages; this one is 450. It includes raising FDIC insurance from $100,000 to $250,000, federal aid to rural schools, and a landmark health provision requiring insurance companies to provide coverage to mental health patients. It is just enough to entice a large bi-partisan effort in the House.
The bill also allows the FDIC to borrow an unlimited amount of money from the Treasury Department until the end of next year to cover the increased insurance limit.
This bill is even more dangerous than the last one. While still being a bailout for bankers that are engaged in bad mortgage loans, this bill has sweeteners designed to be well-received.
This is another call to action. We need all freedom and free-market loving individuals to put the pressure back on the House of Representatives. We need to jam their switchboards, email inboxes, and fax machines. We need to storm into their offices and demand that our money will not be used to keep the elite's balance sheets balanced.
This an incredibly unprecedented time we are witnessing in our nation's history. We are watching America go from a government-controlled market to an all-out corporate socialist state. It is time to get down and dirty and show them what we are made of.
Let's get busy.
Call the congress switch board at: (202) 224-3121
Find your congress person's contact info here: http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW_by_State.shtml #
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