Monday, October 27, 2008

Rothchild DNC Platform Member Steps Down To Support McCain

This is month old news below from Devvy Kidd but it is interesting perspective on the Rothschild DNC step down to endorse McCain.

This is "peep hole" view of how the global chess game is played. With the world wide internet, we are growing more eyes to see them, than they ever had or ever will have to see us.

This global and national empire building has been highly succesful for centuries, even millaniums, when they could cast their "spells" over us in the dark.

The darkness is lifting now, as the internet exposes the chess moves against us and as we awaken one another.

Jack Venrick
Enumclaw, Washington

Personal message from Devvy

The $53 TRILLION dollar asteroid

The robber banker barons are now looting the American people with the blessing of Congress. Via the privately owned, unconstitutional Federal Reserve, the American people will be left with nothing, while our enemies like Communist China continue to buy our assets and land.

A dangerous liason has taken place that will pass right over the heads of the American people kept in the dark. McCain is a pawn and subordinate of the powerful Rockefeller family. He has become the annointed one because he is a war monger and fits right in with the plan of those who profit from endless wars of aggression.

On September 17, 2008, a powerful Rothschild, DNC Platform Committee Member Lynn Forester de Rothschild, good friend of Hillary Clinton, stepped down from her position to endorse McCain. This speaks HUGE volumes and further enforces the very ugly scenario underway right now. It signals the close cooperation of two of the major proponents of world government and controllers of fortunes.

Freddie, Fannie, Fascism - Where was Congress?
September 15, 2008

Update: September 18, 2008

A few more comments about the financial meltdown because it's moving fast and fluid:

"About $2.8 trillion of market value was erased from global stocks this week as Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. filed for bankruptcy, Bank of America Corp. purchased Merrill Lynch & Co. for $50 billion, and the U.S. government took control of American International Group Inc. in an $85 billion takeover to prevent the biggest financial collapse ever. Russian Banks. Russia halted stock trading for a second day and poured $44 billion into its three biggest banks in a bid to halt the worst financial crisis in a decade." [1]

The underlying debt is still there even though the average American really has no idea what all this means, yet. Yesterday gold jumped dramatically

"Gold surged the most in nine years as investors sought the safety of precious metals on concern that the credit crisis will deepen, leading more financial institutions to fail. [2]

While the incompetent Nancy Pelosi sputters the Democrats had nothing to do with this current crisis, [3] she left out

"The current mortgage crisis came about in large part because of Clinton-era government pressure on lenders to make risky loans in order to “make home ownership more affordable for lower-income Americans and those with a poor credit history,” the DC Examiner notes today. “Those steps encouraged riskier mortgage lending by minimizing the role of credit histories in lending decisions, loosening required debt-to-equity ratios to allow borrowers to make small or even no down payments at all, and encouraging lenders the use of floating or adjustable interest-rate mortgages, including those with low ‘teasers.’

"The liberal Village Voice previously chronicled how Clinton Administration housing secretary Andrew Cuomo helped spawn the mortgage crisis through his pressure on lenders to promote affordable housing and diversity. “Andrew Cuomo, the youngest Housing and Urban Development secretary in history, made a series of decisions between 1997 and 2001 that gave birth to the country's current crisis. He took actions that—in combination with many other factors—helped plunge Fannie and Freddie into the subprime markets without putting in place the means to monitor their increasingly risky investments.

"He turned the Federal Housing Administration mortgage program into a sweetheart lender with sky-high loan ceilings and no money down, and he legalized what a federal judge has branded ‘kickbacks’ to brokers that have fueled the sale of overpriced and unsupportable loans. Three to four million families are now facing foreclosure, and Cuomo is one of the reasons why.” (See Wayne Barrett, “Andrew Cuomo and Fannie and Freddie: How the Youngest Housing and Urban Development Secretary in History Gave Birth to the Mortgage Crisis,” Village Voice, August 5, 2008)." [4]

There can be no financial stability as long as we have a debauched currency and a corrupted monetary system:

"To be sure, when Americans are told that "justice" and "the rule of law" require them to forfeit their accumulated savings and economic security to the very institutions and individuals who enticed them out on the financial limb that the Establishment then sawed off, justifiably violent animosities towards the powers that be will arise among some citizens. For most victimized Americans, though, politicians, bankers, high finance, big business, and the intelligentsiia will finger scapegoats on whom wrongly to pin the blame for the crisis and its aftermath. This will generate increased confusion, recriminations, conflicts, and social chaos; and further divide, disarm, and ultimately defeat the forces that, if united, might effectively oppose the Establishment.

"In addition, rather than disseminating demands for sound money and honest banking in order to deal with the crisis, the controlled media will orchestrate calls for massive increases in the supply of fiat currency and credit, ostensibly in order to enable common people to pay their debts. Of course, this will necessitate the maintenance of fractional-reserve central banking to emit the new currency, as well as the creation of more, more, and even more debt to serve as "security" for these emissions--thereby perpetuating the cause of the crisis and ensuring that further crises will break out later on. In this way, credulous Americans will be duped into chaining themselves to new debts in order to pay off their old ones, rendering permanent their financial indentured servitude to the Establishment. March 21, 2005 [5]

I've spent most of the week helping my elderly parents and other members of my family with their banking situations, CDs and pension concerns. My email box has been drowning with desperate messages from people who are just now beginning to realize the enormity of what we're seeing. People are also very concerned, actually feeling panic, over pension funds, 401(k)s - are they really safe? Despite the absolute stupidity out of Steve Doocy's mouth on FAUX News Network, September 17, 2008, when he stated, "This financial crisis should be over by the end of the week," 'this' isn't going to be 'over' for years with the worst yet to come.

While I'm not an investment counselor nor do I sell gold or any other precious metal, you can discuss your situation with Eric at El Dorado Gold and find out your options. Gold is still the only real, safe money. As I have written so many times, the middle class is sliding into poverty and no amount of sound bites from McCain or the absurd Obama "plan" on the economy (more regulations and "universal homeowner tax breaks") is going to stop this tragedy underway. I wish it were going to be different, but we've passed the point of no return. Arrogance and greed - twin monsters - has come back to bite the banking and lending industry and the American people will be the victims. When Ben Bernanke admits, "We've lost control," We cannot stabilize the dollar. We cannot control commodity prices,"[5] it's time to face the reality of this situation and act to protect yourself, your family and your future.

I urge you to consider diversifying a portion of your portfolio or savings into gold because gold doesn't lie and it never loses it's intrinsic value. Not in thousands of years. Visit El Dorado's web site for a wealth of information on this important issue. It amazes me how many Americans simply ignore the risk of losing everything they've ever worked for instead of doing what the world's richest people do and that is own gold.

Eric can answer your questions and help you in understanding what is best for your situation. His number in Florida is: 623.643.8785

Or, if you're closer to the Phoenix area and would rather deal with someone on your side of the country, call Harvey at: 928.227.2621; cell: 602.228.820

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